As such, I was delighted last week when a friend sent along a link to Dan & Mike's "Top 10 Reasons for A Successful Marriage" list. Dan and Mike, in case you don't know, are relationship experts (their website doesn't exactly explain what makes them experts, but I'll take them at their word) who regularly appear on CNN, Fox News, Oprah, and other media outlets.
Here's their list:
Open and consistent communication
Keeping Intimacy Fresh
Setting Mutual Goals
Having a Life Outside of Each Other
Having fun things to look forward to together
Addressing the “800 lb Guerillas” ie. Money, parenting, religion, etc
Creating marriage rituals and keeping them consistent
Variety in the bedroom
Empowering trust within each other
Remember to have fun with each other and get over arguments quickly
So here's a new idea for some familiar advice: take two minutes and rank order the list. What's your number one? Now ask your spouse to do the same. Should spur some conversation.
Excellent advice!