Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The evilOlive Theory of Relationships

If you ask me, Chicago's nightclub evilOlive receives my award for Best. Name. Ever. I'm a sucker for a palindrome.

I can't vouch for the actual quality of the club: never been inside. The Yelp comments - "Ambiance: hipster," "Porn and Chickens Monday," "crowded with some shady dudes" - have dissuaded me.

Just the same, the club came to mind last night as I watched the pilot episode of How I Met Your Mother. I'd never actually seen an episode of the show before, and after a handful of friends mentioned its funniness, I decided to check it out. And that's when The Olive Theory entered my life.

The Olive Theory is based on Marshall and Lily, a couple on the show. She loves olives, he hates them, and in an odd way that's what makes them a perfect couple. Or so another character explains.

Essentially, this is the theory that opposites attract. And for a few of my friends, this is true. For some others, this isn't true. As I think I've said before on this blog, my sister in law likes to say that "Opposites attract, but likes stick."

As the episode of How I Met Your Mother progresses, we learn that Marshall actually does like olives: he offered Lily his olives on their first date to make a good impression, and he's been pretending ever since. Lily eventually realizes this, and decides to make their impending marriage work anyway.

So, six years after the episode first aired, I've decided to rename the theory. It shall now be known, in my own (very) little sphere of influence, as The evilOlive Theory. Evil because "opposites attract" is a poor theory upon which to base a relationship. It can be true sometimes, but when you depend on it, forwards and backwards, it spells trouble.

Of course, "likes stick" is a poor theory to base your relationship on too. What does work is deciding to make it work. [Warning: the next sentence is really cheesy.] I'm going to call this The Pickle Theory, as in, "sometimes you can be a real pickle, but I love you anyway."

Hey - have you voted for our new name yet? Read the blog entry that explains what we're looking for, and then vote on the right.

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