Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Survival and Second Marriages

Cliff and I have often written about how the divorce statistic you probably know (50%) probably doesn't reflect your reality. (Read what we've said here and here.) Your actual odds of staying together are likely much, much better than 50%.

But if you're already on the other side of a bad first marriage - what do your divorce odds look like if you decide to give marriage another chance?

The Wall Street Journal read a great (and encouraging) article earlier this month, Secrets of a Successful Second Marriage. While second marriages are often shorter than first marriages, this is largely because second marriages begin later in life and often end with the death of a spouse.

"The fact that the divorce rate isn't higher for remarriages shows that a lot of people are trying very hard and with great success to make their second marriages work," says Andrew Cherlin, professor of sociology and public policy at Johns Hopkins University. "We used to think that second marriages were much more fragile."

The article has some helpful tips on how to increase your odds of success in second marriage.

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