Friday, April 29, 2011

Marriage Lessons from a Nun

It's amazing what you can learn about marriage from someone committed to lifelong celibacy:

"It is in community [think: marriage] where we find out who we really are. It is life with another that shows my impatience and life with another that demonstrates my possessiveness and life with another that gives notice to my nagging devotion to the self. Life with someone else, in other words, doesn't show me nearly as much about his or her shortcomings as it does about my own. In human relationships I learn how to soften my hard spots and how to reconcile and how to care for someone else besides myself. In human relationships I learn that theory is no substitute for love. It is easy to talk bout the love of God; it is another thing to practice it."

- from Wisdom Distilled from the Daily by Joan Chittister, OSB

(Emphasis mine.)

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