Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Words Create Worlds

The words you use create the world around you: use words of togetherness in your marriage, and you'll likely be "together."

Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz offer the words and phrases they hear most often from the healthy and successful married couples they interview. The full article can be found here.

1. Words that indicate togetherness.

2. Phrases that show truthfulness and trust.

3. Language that reflects mutual respect.

4. Conversation that hints at fitness and concern for health.

5. References to joint finances and shared goals.

6. Words that express non-verbal intimacy.

7. Indications of surprise and variety in the relationship.

Do you and your spouse share these words and phrases in your communication about your relationship? If this sort of content seems like a foreign language, it might be time to become more conscious about how positively you speak about your relationship with each other and to others. Can't control what you say? Get professional help to learn new communication skills. The good news is these skills can be learned.

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