Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Three Questions: entry #1

One of marriage's biggest downfalls is its mundane-ness: the same person, in the same house, every day, for as long as you both shall live.

Keeping marriage fresh takes intentional effort. It starts with the assumption that you do not know everything there is to know about your partner, and that it might be fun to find out.

Years ago Cliff and I developed the habit of asking each other questions - usually on long drives or rare date nights when we were committed to not talking about the kids. The questions range from the very serious to the very silly. Somehow we always end up on a winding conversation that leaves us laughing or holding hands.

So, starting with this post I'll share some of the questions we've asked. Take them home and try them out over dinner some night.

1. When you think back to high school, what is the soundtrack you hear in your head? What songs did you dance to? Make-out to? What played in the background at your first job?

2. (Ask this one only if you know you can tolerate hearing the answer.) If I died, do you think you'd want to remarry? Why or why not?

3. If we could take a road trip anywhere, where would you want to go? What would make the trip perfect?

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